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  GR9677 #71
GREPhysics.NET Official Solution    Alternate Solutions
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Electromagnetism}Particle Trajectory

One can get a reasonable approximation for the deflection angle as follows.

Assuming that there is no magnetic field, one has from the Lorentz force F=ma=qE=qV/d, where one neglects gravitational acceleration. The acceleration is constant, and it is a=qV/(dm).

Recalling the baby physics kinematics equation, y=0.5at^2 \Rightarrow dy=atdt and the fact that x=L=vt \Rightarrow dx=vdt and t=L/v, one can calculate the angle as \tan \theta \approx dy/dx = \frac{atdt}{vdt}=at/v=\frac{qVL}{v^2dm}. Take the arctangent to get choice (A).

See below for user comments and alternate solutions! See below for user comments and alternate solutions!
Alternate Solutions
2010-09-15 18:11:51
For a completely unphysical approach, see below. To actually learn something, see other posts.

I got this via simple guessing strategy.
(L/d) shows up in 3 answers; \(L/d)^2 and \(L/d)^{1/2} only once, eliminating C and E.
Vq shows up twice in the remaining answers; 2Vq once, eliminating D.
\(Vq/mv^2)^2 just looks wrong, eliminating B.
Alternate Solution - Unverified
2019-01-05 22:45:55
You can also use dimensional analysis. Whatever that goes into the arc tangent should be purely numerical without any units, and the only answer where this happens is choice A. Vq cancels with mv^2 because they both have units of Joule. L cancels with d because they both have units of length. NEC
2018-10-08 04:12:51
You have to divide both sides by v^2_x, and since v_x is just the original velocity given in the problem, that\\\\\\\'s how you get v^2 in the denominatorNEC
2017-08-03 19:29:24
Why is it that in the solution to find dy, the first term is ignored ?? the kinematic equation is actually y = v0t + 0.5at^2. why is the first term ignored?NEC
2017-03-22 14:15:07
Well A looked more beautiful. NEC
2012-11-02 09:15:49
Found a super fast way of doing this.

The charge is obviously acted upon by a force due to the electric field.

For parallel plates, the acceleration due to this force only acts along the y-direction. We know:

F = qE (V = Ed ---> E = V/d)

ma = qV/d

a = qV/md

The angle of deflection should be proportional to this term, leaving only answer A
2010-11-04 16:31:02
All of the answers are dimensionless.
2010-11-12 22:21:52
2015-10-12 19:03:36
lol, this sucks!
2010-10-14 21:55:12
See dimension
The only possible choice is A of which argument indicates no dimension.
2010-09-15 18:11:51
For a completely unphysical approach, see below. To actually learn something, see other posts.

I got this via simple guessing strategy.
(L/d) shows up in 3 answers; \(L/d)^2 and \(L/d)^{1/2} only once, eliminating C and E.
Vq shows up twice in the remaining answers; 2Vq once, eliminating D.
\(Vq/mv^2)^2 just looks wrong, eliminating B.
2018-10-24 01:19:02
I did the same thing... it works
Alternate Solution - Unverified
2009-10-09 10:57:43
The diagram threw me off here... The deflection of the final velocity is arctan(dy/dx) but the dotted lines on the diagram form a triangle suggesting they want arctan(\Delta y / \Delta x) which I think would be equal to arctan(dy/2dx). That wasn't one of the options so in this case I suppose guessing the nearest answer would work.NEC
2007-04-13 04:25:01
It is simplier to think of tan\theta = v_{y}/v_{x}
2007-10-15 12:01:19
I agree. From a=qV/dm use a=v_y/t, t=L/v_x, and finally, the equation you gave: \tan{\theta}=v_y/v_x.
2011-04-05 13:27:12
this works well except i don't see where the \frac{1}{v^2} comes in?
2005-11-09 14:42:33
tachyon: thanks for the typo-alert; it has been corrected.NEC
2005-11-09 13:36:53
typo-the correct answers is ANEC

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For a completely unphysical approach, see below. To actually learn something, see other posts. I got this via simple guessing strategy. (L/d) shows up in 3 answers; \(L/d)^2 and \(L/d)^{1/2} only once, eliminating C and E. Vq shows up twice in the remaining answers; 2Vq once, eliminating D. \(Vq/mv^2)^2 just looks wrong, eliminating B.

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